jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

my future job

Hi bloggers, in this ocassion i will coment about my future job.

Well, i hopping to work in something that not make me feel depresedd, must be something that i enjoyment.

Actuallyment, i curse in psychology, but i don't know what area of specialization i will take. I hope to make good decisions about. And just this hesitation don't let me see with a clarity what could be my working future. But, sure in psychology, maybe educational, social community or clinic psyshology area.

If i dedicate in social community area i will probably work with more flexibility time but not least tasks, i think probably be in outdoor more than indoor, will be less conventional, the contact with the people will be closer, they tries not to look like an expert and to be able to introduce in any community and work with them.
This is something that i decided in the years i remain career, and and at least now I do not worry much.

domingo, 23 de octubre de 2016

Post 4: Art.

I don't know why the art's is important, but i think that is related with ideas, emotions and is very intimated and personal, so is here when becomes importants, because his origin is honest.

The person expresses something that experiments, that feels (across different means, already be writing, singing, drawing, sculpting; making it formed) and as result there is had a creation (some of them will be able call him Art, others probably don't like it, there will be others who don't understand it, thousands of possibilities).

But, also it' s possible to know according to the histories of the humanity that there were objects that were not fabricated like artistic reason, rather this was made as a domestic utensil, but today are considered Art and this object are in exhibition in importants museums. Anyhow, I think that these creations are very significant and demonstrate forms and techniques that the creators were handling in these times. 

Of all forms, I would feel charmed of being present at famous museums as those that exist in Europe, but also I think that it is necessary to esteem the creations that are given to this side of the continent, since they say much of our history and of how the persons have felt it. 

Glass bottle destined to put perfume. It's said that it was created for some Egyptian queen.

Post 3: Music

The music in my life is necessary because sometimes only the sounds of instruments and many other things gives me feelings and emotions that sometimes help me to resolved thoughts.

I remember that always the musical sounds were in my life, and not only the music noise, also images that use groups of music, many albums, posters of concert, magazines of music like "Extravaganza" are prowling in my house. In this way i was familiar with this things.

Also, my parents show me instruments and music videos they saw, this can be because my father's family was musicians (not professionals, but fans), my uncle playing guitar in the house and my father play battery... also my grandfather listen rock and roll, so we listened and danced, in this way i met music more oldest... of 50' or 60'.

Actually, I'm engrossed with female voices and I hear with most frequently in my mp3 player is CocoRosie, Bjork, Elizabeth Fraser vocalist of Cocteau Twins, Camila Moreno with Mala Madre, Cat power, and many others...

I will like learning to play some instruments very well, like guitar or piano, but i thinks i need time and will of just make it, every day. This is hard for me because also I have to do other things related to the university but i think of all people must approach it - the music - and hear his own voice.

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

The Best Holiday: Bolivia

Hello, in this occasion i will write about my travel to Bolivia.

The year 2015, in February i traveled to Bolivia. I arrived to Bolivia in "backpacking", from Coquimbo pass to all desert of Chile, always in the road going by Vallenar, Copiapo, Caldera, Chañaral, and Antofagasta to finally arrive in Arica. All this travel was very exhausting and was two day and half.

I come to Bolivia in bus from Arica, and was very exiting pass over the mountains and a little of fear because travel in the night between mountains is dangerous. Fortunately, the driver was good and we arrived safely.

The budget in Bolivia it is multiplied, if i had $150.000 these became twice what he could spend and with this i could to know La paz, Copacabana, Sun island, Potosí, Titicaca lake and Sucre. In Potosí i meet a family that living in Cerro rico, What now they are only ruins and sediments of an Former mining city...

The most beauty of Bolivia is the people and your culture, ever. All world must be seen this and to reevaluate it, is very powerly to see and hear to the people speak aymara every wear, i like very much they (not all, certainly) Be kept rejealous to the "winka" clearly identifiable and rightly reason they have.

Spend it very well and comprobe that I can travel and resist very much for another trip.

A country i would like to visit: Island

Hello readers, this is my blog and, in mi first entries i will write about Island.

This country is an big Island located in Atlantic ocean, the country more proximate is Groenland ubicated in northwest and in the southeast the united kingdom.

Particulary, i like this country because your landscape and the weather. It’s caused me much curiosity because this island to be so close to artic pole it doesn’t could. This is because the Gulf Stream, this is a big dough of quality water that moved since coast of west of Mexico =gulf of Mexico= to north Atlantic. This make that island be tempered and so habitable.

Also, their landscapes it’s made of glaciers and glacial rivers to lead in the ocean, and is so mucho of these, this supplemented with desert, but not desert heat, more be occasionated for the absence of threes in places proximate to sea, or proximate to volcano’s. This can be by the thermal conditions of the earth. I don’t know why. This gives the characteristic of plain place.

I had knowledge of this place because a singer i like is from here, and in your song she speak of this place, and described in interviews when the people question about island.

I love to travel someday to this place and go to the beach, make trekking and walk under waterfalls.